Friday, October 14, 2011

Naumati Baja

A band with nine musical instrument, which consists all the instrument of Panche Baja with an addition of two pipe instruments; either Narsingha or Karnal. There are nine musical instrument of six types. Narsingha is a long, curved horn like pipe instrument, popular in Central Nepal. Karnal, the Narsingha of Western Nepal is not curved like Narsingha. Karnal is a straight and big-mouthed natural trumpet. In Naumati Baja, there are two Damaha and two Sahanai to make a total of nine instruments.

Naumati Baja consist of 9 instruments (6 different types of instruments):

1. Dhokali               - 1

2. Tyamko               - 1

3. Damaha               - 2

4. Sahanai                - 2

5. Jhurma or jhyali    - 1

6. Narsiha or Karn   - 2

Panche baja is a more popular name when traditional music is concerned and hence the general public often confuses a Naumati Baja with Panche Baja. So, both Panche and Naumati are often called a same name ‘Panche Baja’.

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